
4th International Symposium of Oryzias Fish

Oryzias fishes, well-known as ricefishes or medaka fishes (Japanese), are commonly used as a model organism in various biological research, as well as in medical and environmental sciences. This particular group of small fish can be found widely from fresh to brackish water of tropical, subtropical and temperate countries, from India to Japan and throughout Asian waters. Interestingly, Sulawesi is one of the candidates for the origin of this group of fish, where the largest number of species have been recorded.

Since the ricefishes’ potential has been revealed, some researchers and fish experts from over the world have initiated the biannual international symposium. It was intended to discuss many biological topics on this particular group of fish, from their genetics, adaptation, habitat and environmental roles, and strengthen the international collaboration, hence establish research groups for Oryzias species. The first international symposium was held in Thailand in 2007 with the theme “New Asian Resources for Basic and Applied Science”. Two years later, the second symposium was still held in Thailand in 2009, with the theme “Oryzias – Small Fish with Big Potentials”. But the latest one was held in Malaysia in 2011 with the theme “Important Tool for Molecular Biology to Environmental Sciences”.

Nevertheless, more comprehensive understanding is desired regarding the ricefish ecology. Therefore, the incoming fourth international symposium that will be held in Indonesia was entitled “Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences of Marine and Freshwater Fishes”. Under this theme, the organizing committee welcomes the scientists involving the wide variety of topics not only on Oryzias fishes but also on other comparable or related species.

University of Hasanuddin (UNHAS) Makassar was pointed to arrange the 4th International Symposium of Oryzias Fish, since it is located in Sulawesi, which is recognized to be a center of the diversity of Oryzias species. The participants can take the option to visit the Malili lakes, located in the center of Sulawesi, a few hundreds km northern from Makassar City. The Makassar City geographically is laid in the center of Indonesia, and in the center of ricefish countries, hence more participants from many institutions are expected to be easily gathered.